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Hereford Public Library


Royal Commission on Historical Monuments: Herefordshire, Volume 1: H 936.244


Transcript of Original Publication


Great Turnant: architecture, construction and history

Place name:



Up to 1700



(19) Great   Turnant,   farmhouse   and   barn, ΒΌ m. S.S.W. of (18). The House is partly of two storeys with attics and partly of one storey with attics. It is built round the nucleus of a house of probably late 15th or early 16th-century date, but the later alterations have obscured the original plan. The portion containing the Porch and Living Room with the attics above and possibly part of the range on the E. side of it appear to belong to the original house. In the first half of the 17th century a wing was added at right angles to the block on the W. side of it, and a small wing at the back or N. side of the house may be of the same date. A chamber, now used as a cider-cellar on the W. side of the W. range, is a late 17th or 18th-century addition. Outbuildings projecting eastwards from the Living Room and a similar range on the N. side of the house are probably also of the I7th or 18th century. The projecting part of the S. front has on both the ground and first floors two early 17th-century windows, the lower pair of three and the upper pair of two lights, with moulded oak frames and mullions and all with segmental stone arches above. The entrance-doorway to the porch is of late 15th or early 16th-century date and has chamfered jambs and a four-centred head; above it is a two-light window with a plain oak frame. Towards the W. end of the projecting block is an external stone staircase leading to  a loft above the cider-mill. On the W. side of the building is an original window to the cider-cellar of five lights with an oak frame and diamond-shaped mullions, and in the N. wall of this addition is an old door of oak battens. On the N. side of the house the back door to the central block has a chamfered oak frame and an old battened door (Plate 35) with two strap-hinges with foliated ends and a twisted ring for use as a knocker. Inside the building against the E. wall of the Living Room is the lower part of a truss with curved braces of crutch-type, the upper part of which is visible in the attic above, tied in with a heavy collar-beam. The Living Room has in the S. wall a doorway with a square-headed frame and an old battened door retaining one strap-hinge with a foliated end. The doorway in the E. wall has an old frame with a four-centred head and an old battened door. The timber-framed lobby between the Living Room and the N. range is of close studding and the fireplace in the ground-floor room of the early 17th-century addition is spanned by a stop-chamfered oak lintel.

The Barn, S. of the house, is probably of 17th-century date. It is of three aisled bays with roof-trusses of the tie-beam and strutted-rafter type and has heavy timber-framing dividing the middle from the side aisles. At either end of the middle aisle are large barn-doors.


Plate 35: Doors



Description documented c 1930 by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments


Ordnance Survey Map Reference and Index of Parish Properties


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Ref: rs_llv_0025