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Hereford Public Library


Royal Commission on Historical Monuments: Herefordshire, Volume 1: H 936.244


Transcript of Original Publication


Parish Church of St Peter: architecture, construction and history

Place name:



Up to 1700



(1) PARISH CHURCH OF ST. PETER stands towards E. side of the parish. The walls are of local sandstone rubble with some ashlar dressings. The church, consisting of Chancel and Nave without structural division, was rebuilt in the I3th century. It was restored in the 19th century, and in 1912 it was lengthened towards the W. and the W. end entirely rebuilt.

Among the fittings the stone crucifix and the early inscribed stone are noteworthy.


Architectural Description—The Chancel and Nave (43 ¾ ft. by 17 ¼ ft.) are undivided. In the E. wall is a window of two cinquefoiled lights in a square head, apparently all modern. In the N. wall are two modern windows each of one trefoiled light; between them is a blocked 13th-century lancet-window ; the original W. angles of the nave show in both the N. and S. walls. In the S. wall are two modern windows similar to those the N. wall; between them is a modern or much-restored doorway into the vestry; W. of the windows a modern doorway and porch; along the external face of the ancient part of the S. wall is a stone bench. The W. wall is modern.


Fittings—Crosses: (Plate 40) Reset in S. wall— (1) irregular shaped stone (4 ¼ ft. by 1 ¾ ft.) with rudely carved crucifix with feet shown in profile, perhaps 11th-century; (2) irregular shaped stone (2 ft. by 1 ft.) with part of plain incised cross with partly defaced letters, XPC, M (? ) and IHC, at side the inscription HAEFDUR FECIT CRUCEM, IHC, A ?., perhaps 11th-century. In external face of S. wall, (3) small slab with plain incised cross. Lying in churchyard—plain square shaft and head (6 ft. long) of churchyard-cross.


Condition—Fairly good, much restored, crack in E. wall.


Plate 40



Description documented c 1930 by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments


Ordnance Survey Map Reference and Index of Parish Properties


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Ref: rs_llv_0020