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Hereford Public Library


Royal Commission on Historical Monuments: Herefordshire, Volume 1: H 936.244


Transcript of Original Publication


Greyhound Inn: architecture, construction and history

Place name:



Up to 1700



(12). The Greyhound Inn, on the W. side of the road, 350 yards S.E. of (10), is in part timber-framed.    The S. end of the  building appears  to have  been a  small timber-framed cottage of 16th-century date to which a larger stone-built house was added early in the 17th century. The earlier building has been encased in stone on three of the sides. On the E. front the original timber-framing (Plate   21) appears in the projecting upper storey. It has heavy studs with sloping struts in between, forming a herring-bone pattern. In the lower storey is a central doorway with an old frame and, flanking it, small windows of two lights with a smaller diamond-shaped mullion in each light. In the ground floor of the later building is a window of four lights with an oak frame. Inside the building some of the timber-framing is exposed. In the southern wing is a central roof-truss of double collar-beam type filled in with square framing to form a partition. In the northern wing is a blocked original doorway with the soffit of the lintel cut in triangular form with an ogee apex. In the N. room is a wide, open fireplace with a chamfered lintel.


Condition—Good, except in the smaller building which is now used as an outbuilding.


Plate 21



Description documented c 1930 by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments


Ordnance Survey Map Reference and Index of Parish Properties


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Ref: rs_lon_0062