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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for David Johnes [Jones]

Place name:






1. Will: dated 30 June 1643 .
Requests body to be buried in the parish
church of Grosmont .
To the repair of Grosmont church, 2/-.
To Jenett, the daughter of his brother James Jones, 5 lambs and a sow.
To nephew, David Jones, one acre of barley and one of peas growing on land held by lease from Thomas Powell, gent.
To brother James Jones, one half of all the oats now growing upon the Thomas Powell lands.
To Jane Jones, William Jones and Elizabeth Jones, one quarter of the remaining half of the oats.
To the children of brother in law Phillipp Prichard of Rowlston, namely Thomas, Phillipp and Catherine, the residue or the other quarter of the oats.
'To the foresaid Chathering [Catherine] Jones one acre of peas [ he seems to be muddled as the foresaid Chathering is a
Prichard not a Jones] now growing on Thomas Powells lands near Monow side'.
To Brother James Jones, the residue of the peas and an acre of barley growing on the Thomas Powell lands.
In consideration of these bequests the legatees are to pay Thomas Powell £3 for rent due on the land in accordance with the terms of the lease. Each to pay according to the size of their legacy.
To brother James Jones, three bushels of muncorn, a mare and a colt.
To sister, Blanch, 3 bushels of muncorn if she comes to demand it.
To sister, Jane Prichard, 2 best oxen and a bull on condition she pays £6 due in a bond to John Saunders of Llangua, gent, 'entered into by her late husband and also 13/- to Thomas Powell as well as 31/- due. After the payment to John Saunders she is to deliver up the bond for cancellation.
To Jenett, brother James' daughter a brass pan on the death of the testators wife also called Jenett.
To his godchildren, Sibel, daughter of Thomas William; Walter, son of Charles Bynon; David, son of Lewis Gilbert; Rowland, son of Edmund Prosser, 2/- apiece.
To beloved wife, Jenett all the rest of his estate towards the paying of rents and debts.
?? ????
Executrix: wife, Jenett with Walter Scudamor and Thomas William as overseers.
Marked by the testator

Witnesses: Thomas William, Walter Scudamor, Thomas Prichard, James Phillipp, John Watkin and Jenkin Scudamor

Date of probate:
16 July 1643 .

2. Inventory: no date; value £39 ?? 10?? 4d . Appraisers: George Saire, Watkin David, Thomas Phillipp, Thomas William David, William Howell.




This is a difficult will to read as it has been photocopied in two halves and matching the lines is tricky. The documents include a bond dated 17 July 1643 with bounden Jenett Prosser and Henry Prichard in a surety of £100.

His inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Inventory



?? £

?? s

?? d

Imprimis eleven acres of wheat & rye





Item?????? ten acres of oats

ijli ?? xiijs iiijd

?? 2


?? 4

Item?????? two bullocks


?? 2



Item?????? two bulls


?? 2



Item ?? ???? four small beasts

jli ?? vjs ?? viijd

?? 1

?? 6

?? 8

Item?????? two heifers of two years old

jli ?? vjs ?? viijd

?? 1

?? 6

?? 8

Item?????? four calves

?????? xs




Item?????? three kine

iiijli ?? xs

?? 4



Item?????? eight sheep

???????? xvjs




Item?????? five horses

iijli ?? xs

?? 3



Item?????? nine swine

jli ?? vs

?? 1

?? 5


Item?????? brass and pewter

???????? vjs


?? 6


Item?????? bedding and furniture therewith belonging

jli ?? vjs ?? viijd

?? 1

?? 6

?? 8

Item?????? his wearing apparel


?? 1



Item?????? one table board one cupboard one coffer
?????? ?? two barrels with other implements
???????? thereunto belonging


?????? xiijs ?? iiijd



?? 4

Item?????? one dung wain with plough harrows and
???????? implements thereunto belonging

???????? vjs ?? viijd


?? 6

?? 8

Item?????? sixteen acres of peas oats and barley growing in Llancillo









?? 4

?? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Summa Tot xxxixli ?? xs ?? iiijd


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_wal_1102