Held at: | National Library of |
Reference: | BR/1810/88 |
Source: | Original document, photocopy |
Title: | Probate Collection, Papers of John Morgan, yeoman |
Place name: | Walterstone |
Date: | 1810 |
1. Will dated
Beneficiaries: To his nephews James and Charles Morgan, 1/- each. To niece Jane Lewelin , £10, also a '…Clock and Case six best Chairs a New Bedstead round Tea Table and Warming Pan…' To Ann Evans '…my old servant that Bedstead I lye on…', and various other items of furniture. To his nephew William Lewelin and the testator's sister Mary Lewelin his residual effects, asking that £20 be laid out by them on his funeral.
Both William and Mary Lewelin to be executors.
Signed by testator
Witnesses: George Heblier [?], M. Morgan
Will proved
No inventory. Number of documents: 4
Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_wal_0120