Held at: | Gwent Record Office |
Reference: | D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets) |
Source: | ELSG digital images & transcription |
Title: | Jurors’ Presentments, October 1734, Manors of Urishay Clothie Hopkin & Trenant |
Place name: | Urishay, Michaelchurch Escley, Peterchurch |
Date: | 1734 |
Transcription of image 402
[on the dorse of 403 ]
[signed by or the mark of]
John Price
William Harries
Thomas Smyth
the mark of Richard Gronow
the mark of Richard Philips
the mark of Benjamin Pritchard
Thomas Jones
John Jones
the mark of Charles Price
the mark of Richard Watkins
the mark of Richard Hanley
the mark of Daniel Smith
the mark of Thomas Lewis
the mark of Charles Jones
David Smith
the mark of Francis Price
Thomas Prosser
the mark of Richard Thomas
[These details below were added to the dorse of the document by a later hand. Perhaps in 1818 ]
Michaelmas Leet
22nd October 1734
Mannors of |
Urishay |
Clothie Hopkin & | Jurys Presentment |
Trenant alias Trelishope |
John Watkins Presented for not paying his rent.
Transcription of image 403
Mannors of Urishay alias Hay Urrie, Clothie Hopkin & Trenant alias Trylishope.
At the Court Leet of our sovereign lord the king and court baron of John Delahay esq. lord of the said mannors kept at the dwelling house of Evan Jones of the parish of Michaelchurch Escly the 22nd day of October in the eighth year of the reign of our sovereign lord George the second by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland king defender of the faith etc. And in the year of our lord 1734. Before Thomas Williams gent steward.
| John Price | Sworn Affearors |
The names of the jury.
John Price
William Harris
Thomas Smith
Richard Gronow
Richard Philips
Benjamin Prichard
Thomas Jones
John Jones
Charles Price
Richard Watkins
Richard Hanley
Daniel Smith
Thomas Lewis
Charles Jones
David Smith
Francis Price
Thomas Prosser
Thomas Jones?
Richard Thomas
Imprimis We the jurors sworn and impannelled to enquire for our sovereign lord the king & the lord of the mannor Do Present as followeth.
We present that Thomas Griffiths of the Cwmb in the parish of Peterchurch tenant of this mannor who owes suit & service to this court & hath been duly summoned to appear at this court as appears by the oath of the baylief of this mannor That he hath made default & for such his default we amerce him in the sum of three shillings & four pence.
And the same was afterwards affeared at eighteen pence.
Also We present the said Thomas Griffiths for neglected and refusing to set up a gate & amend his hedge between a certain parcel of land in possession of the said Thomas Griffiths called Cae Mawr & a parcel of land of Mr John Price’s of Urishay called Errow Glideer all in the said mannor of Urishay by means whereof the said John Price has had several trespassers done in his hand in the said mannor & we lay a penalty of 13s 4d to be levied upon the said Thomas Griffith’s goods & chattels in case he neglects to set up the said gate or repair the said fence on or before the second day of February next. And that the said John Price do certify the performance thereof on like penalty.
Also We lay the said Thomas Griffith under the same penalty if he does not repair the fence between the parcel of land in the possesson of said Thomas Griffiths called Wern Willim’s meadow and a piece of land called Dinol in possession of Richard Gronow in the mannor aforesaid on or before the said 2nd day of February next. And that the said Richard Gronow do certify the repair the repair the roof under the said penalty of 13s 4d .
Also We present that John Watkins late of Michael Church Escly gent a tenant of the mannor of Clothie Hopkin holds certain lands in Michaelchurch aforesaid in the said mannor of Clothie Hopkin by lease for five hundred years under said lord of this mannor at this court of three shillings & four pence payable yearly at Christmas. And that he is in arrear the sum of thirty shillings for nine years rent [?reserved] by the said lease due and in arrear since Christmas last And we lay him under the penalty of thirty nine shillings to be levied on his goods and chattels, in case he neglects to pay the same within the space of thirty days next after notice hereof.
ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 402 & 403 |
Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127
For zoomable images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_4.pdf
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