Held at:

Gwent Record Office


D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets)


ELSG digital images & transcription


Jurors’ Presentments, April 1730, Clothy Hopkin

Place name:

Urishay, Michaelchurch Escley, Peterchurch




Transcription of image 345

Clothy Hopkin
Warrant to Bailiff? [Jurors’ Presetments].


[These details were added to the dorse of the document by a later hand. Perhaps in 1818 ]



Transcription of image 346


Manerium de Clothie Hopkin.


Ad curiam visus franci plegii cum curia baronis Johannis Delahay gent. domini manneri predicti tentam apud domum mancional Evani Jones iacen et existen apud Urish Hay inholder supra vicesimo primo die Aprilis Anno regni domini nostril Georgii secundi Regis nunc Magne Britannie etc. tertio Annoque domini 1730.


coram Job Gilbert


Nomina Juratores


Johes Price jur.


Johes Jones jur.

Ricus Williams

Willus Harries

Thomas Prichard

Ricus Grenow


Thomas Gough

David Smyth

Willus Griffitts


Ricus Watkins

Ricus Balle  jur.

Jacobus Prichard


Imprimis  Wee the jurors above named being sworne & impannelled doe upon our oaths say & present that all persons that have been summoned to appeare here this day to srve on the jury and that have made default to be in the lord’s mercy & amerce them three shillings per caput tenants not summoned that have default 2s per caput Resiants 3d per caput.


Item:  Wee the said jurors doe say and present that all those persons that are encrochers that was ameerst at the last court and find in 20s Eath are now in 40s Eatch unless they can show a very just cause to the contrary.


Item enquiry and find nothing more presentable.


[signatures of]

John Price

Will. Harries

Richard Grunow

Thomas Prichard


Thomas Gouef

David Smith

William Griffits


John Jones


Richard Watkins

Richard Ball

James Prichard

Thomas Griffits

Richard Williams



Johannes Price et Willielmus Harries jur.
 afferr et contin pen ut supra.

ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 - 345 & 346



Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127


For zoomable  images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_1.pdf


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