Held at:

Gwent Record Office


D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets)


ELSG digital images & transcription


Bailiff’s Warrant, October 1730, Clothy Hopkin

Place name:

Urishay, Michaelchurch Escley, Peterchurch




Transcription of image 343


Clothy Hopkin
Bailiffs [Leet?]


[These details were added to the dorse of the document by a later hand. Perhaps in 1818 ]


Transcription of image 344


Manerium de Clothithe Hopkin


To the baylife of the said mannor be these


These are to require you upon sight hereof to give warning & notice to all freeholders & resiants within the precincts of this mannor of the court Leete & Court Baron for the said mannor wilbe held at the dwelling house of Evan Jones at the Urishay Common inholder Saturday the 24th day of this instatnt October where all tenants free [?tutors] & resiants within the precincts of the Leete there are required to make their personal appearance & to doe & perform such suite & service as by their respective tenures they ow to their said [?courts] Giving them (To witt) That is they or either of them make default they shalbe severally amerced & you are required to be then & there present to make return of this [?qor] [?prepts] Given under my hand & seal the 17th day of October Annoque domini 1730.


Job Gilbert
senescallus ibidem


Nomina Juratores


Johannes Price Gen[erosus]


a  Williamus Harries


a  Ricardus Gronnow


Thomas Gough


a  David Smyth


a  Johannes Jones de Oatle


a  Carolus Price


Riardus Watkins


a  Thomas Prichard


a  Willielmus Griffiths


a  Thomas Griffith de Combe


Thomas Griffith de Gwemgillim


a  Walterus Beavan


a  Ricrdus Kandle


Ricardus Thomas


a  Daniel [Iuryth]


Ricardus Williams


Ricardus Bale  a


Thomas Lewis  a


Johannes Jones


Carolus Jones  a


James Prichard



ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 - 343 & 344



Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127


For zoomable  images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_1.pdf


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