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Catalogue, Lord Abergavenny’s estates


Lease for lives and assignment, Upper Maescoed

Place name:

St Margarets


1736 - 1765


D.1583.4.6,7 : Lease for lives, Mar 5, 1736 -1737.

(1) Rt Hon William, Lord Abergavenny

(2) William Morrice of par St Margarett’s, blacksmith, and Jane his wife

A house, gardens and orchards with 2 acres of land on Upper Mescoed now in the possession of (2).

For the lives of (2) aged 35 and 50 respectively, and Henry son of Walter Marsh of par St Clodock, aged 22.

Rent 3/- with 5/- as a heriot and with suit of court.

Witnesses: Job Gilbert and John Day; Robert Mathew and John Wattam.

Endorsed: livery of seisin 27 May, 1737. Witnesses John, William and Job Gilbert.

Note:  Henry Marsh, the last life, died in Feb 1780.

D.1583. 4.8 : Assignment of lease, July 6, 1765 (see D.1583.4.6,7)

(1) Sarah Price of par Vowchurch, spinster, and William Morrice of the township of Newton, blacksmith

(2) David Pitt of par St Margaret’s, husbandman

Recites  4.6 - 7, Jane Morrice now being dec’d and an assignment made by William Morrice, dated 28 Feb, 1764, to Sarah Price assigning to her the property in 4.6& 7 for the remainder of the term of lives described therein, subject to redemption on the payment of £5; William Morrice having agreed with (2) above to sell to him for £19 the above premises in order to repay Sarah Price.

Consideration:  £5/6/- (as part of the £19 purchase money) and £13/14/-.

(1) assigns to (2) the property described in 4.6& 7 with the leases for 99 years, if the lives shall so long live.

Witnesses: William Bowen and Thomas Price.



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Ref: nw_stm_1020