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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will for Jayne Phillipps, widow

Place name:





1 Will :
10 January 1633 .
'....whereas £20 is bequeathed unto my daughter, Margery, by the last will and testament of David Phe [Phillipps] my late husband deceased the which £20 was then due unto the said David Phe  by John Price of Newcourt, gent and for which said £20 sithence [because of] the decease of the said David Phe the said John Price together with other sureties entered in to one bond obligatory of £40  for the payment of £20 and the lawful interest thereof unto me the said testator at a day past as by the said bond obligatory...I give and bequeath unto the said Margery the said £20 plus interest due unto me by the said John Price... in lieu and in full satisfaction of the legacy of £20 bequeathed her by her father.'
Also to daughter Margery, £5 more 'which is due from my son, Phillip for a yoke of kine I sold him'. In addition Margery is to have 'the feather bed  wch I lie on', a bolster, 2 pillows,  2 coverlets, 3 blankets, six pairs of hurden sheets, 2 pair of flaxen sheets, one table cloth, 2 cushions, all the hemp and flax and all her mother's clothes.
Margery is also to have, another bed, bolster and bedstead which are in the solar, a towel, the best brass pot and best brass pan, the best kettle, and one of the lesser kettles, 4 platters, a pewter candlestick, one broche, a pair of gobbards and a brand iron, a brewing vat, one great trind, the best kelorne, two stands 2 milk trinds, 2 milking pails, 'my two best coffers', one woollen wheel, one linen wheel, one 'hetchell', one 'kipling coome' and one 'brey'
Further to Margery, 2 kine, one pied bull, one red mare, half of the swine and poultry, 2 [hole in original but probably 'flithches'] of bacon, 2 flitches of rough beef, half of all my [another hole] , one loaf of butter, and [a whole line missing].
To William ap John, one heifer and a two year old bullock.
To grandchild, Watkin Prichard, £3 which is due from Thomas Prichard of Dore.
To grandchild, Elizabeth Eever, towards her maintenance, one mare, one bed case, one bolster,  one drumcloth,  a pair of stools and one blanket.
To the above named Margery, in addition, a cupboard with all its contents, 'a treend more  containinge two bushels and my best fet or sack containinge fower bushells'
To the Cathedral Church of St Davids, 6d.
All the rest of her unbequeathed possessions, once her funeral expenses are paid, are left to her son Phillip.
Executor: son, Phillipp.    
Marked by the testator at the end.

Witnesses:Rowland Jenning, Thomas Jenninges, Janne Phillips and John Powell.
Date of Probate: 
23 February 1633

2. Inventory: 
  dated 17 Feb 1633; value £24  15  4d. Appraisers Rowland Jennings, John Powell and Thomas Bevan..



There were a two items, kelorne, and kipling comb that have not been found in current glossaries which have been consulted. Hetchell is almost certainly a local adaptation of Hackle which was a metal comb for splitting the fibres of hemp and flax to make them straight and smoothe;  and a 'bray', a tool used in breaking hemp*.
There is a bond dated
23 February 1633 with bounden Phillipp David of Clodock and William Gunter of Brecon town, gent in a surety of £200.
Since writing the above kelorne has been identified as  a celern, a wooden bucket used for milking with one stave longer than the others used for carrying it. 
* see Stuart A. Raymond - Words from Wills and other probate records.- The Federation of Family History Societies, Lancashire 2004.

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