Held at: | National Library of |
Reference: | BR/1775/9 |
Source: | Photocopy of original document |
Title: | Probate Collection; The will and documents for Thomas Prichard, yeoman |
Place name: | |
Date: | 1775 |
1. W ill dated
Beneficiaries: To wife, Elizabeth, his estate on Lower Mescoed held by lease from Lord Abergavenny, for her life time if the lives in the lease shall 'so long live'. On her death it is to pass to his servant William Preese.
Also to his wife his estate on Middle Mescoed held by lease under John Jeffreys Esq. for her lifetime and then to son William Preese. All other goods and worldly effects to wife Elizabeth and whatever is left after the payment of his debts and afer his wife's death to go to William Preese provided he lives with me and my wife during our lives, otherwise they are at the disposal of my wife.
Executor: wife, Elizabeth Prichard.
Marked by the testator
Witnesses: Eliz Prosser the elder, Elizabeth Prosser he younger and Henry Marsh.
Date of Probate:
2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
ObservationsThere is no indication why the will took seven years to be proved. Documents include a separate registration instruction and a coversheet; 5 sheets in all. William Preese must have been a very good servant! |
Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0536