Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Hugh Pugh, yeoman

Place name:





1. W
11 October 1707 .
Beneficiaries: The testator bequeaths his house called Gilvauch and its associated lands to a Thomas Harper of St Margarets, yeoman and his heirs and assigns, for the remainder of the term of his lease. On the understanding that Thomas Harper will, for this period, lay out 50/- annually to, 'encourage a dissenting protestant preacher of the Presbytarian or Independant persuasion to officiate in the ministerial function amongst people of the same persuasion in…Newton or …St Margarets'. If a preacher cannot be found then the 50/- is to be paid to the testator's executors.
In addition Thomas Harper is also to get £25 in order to layout 30/- a year for 99 years ' for the encouragement of a competent scholar to sett up a school to teach youths within….Newton …and St Margarets'. The children of the poor from the Maescoed commons are to be charged no more than a shilling entrance and the one shilling quarterly.
To his maid, Elizabeth Harris and to neighbour Sarah Lewis 40/- to be divided equally between them.
To sister. Elizabeth, the widow of Thomas Price, £30.
To the 3 daughters of sister, Jane, £30 'to be equally divided between them'.
To sister, Catherine and brother, David, £50 each
Residual legatee, brother, Morgan Pugh..

Executor: brother, Morgan Pugh.

This is a copy will with no mark or signature but the deposition of Thomas Harper accompanying the document states that the testator signed it .

Witnesses: no witnesses listed

Date of Probate:
4 November 1707 ..

2. Inventory: dated
24 December 1707 , value £517 0 0d. Appraisers Howell Watkins of Clodock, and Thomas Harper.of St Margarets




Clearly this man was an unusual yeoman, a man of education as his inventory with few animals but a study shows. Documents include a an application for probate [X2] two depositions from Thomas Harper,[X1 and X3] the former is dated 11 December 1707 at Brecon, the other is undated, a bond dated 2 August 1711 with Morgan Pugh of Llowes, Co. Radnor, gent and [?] James of Brecon, gent, bound in the sum of £1000 to administer the will, a copy[presumably the one we have now] to be kept in the court registry. Also a separate instruction in Latin dated 4 November 1707 approving Morgan Pugh's appointment; 9 sheets in all.


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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_new_0539