Held at:

Herefordshire Record Office




Original document


Deeds from Lincoln Record Office

Place name:

Newton in Clodock




Mortgage (feoffment) 10 May 1615

William Nicholl yeoman of Newton in parish of Clodock and Katherine his wife and William Harrie Williams of same, yeoman.
Thomas Jennings of Newton, tanner

Consideration £40

Messuage in which  William Nicholl and Katherine live with houses, barns and lands, 2 closes pasture joined together called Kay Quarrel and Kay Baugh (10 arces), meadow called Gworld dun ye tee containing 5 days math of hay, close of arable called Kay Perben (7 acres), parcel of arable and pasture called Llyne (5 acres), in Newton in Clodocke some time parcel of the lands of Henrie Williams dec. father of William Harrie Williams now in the tenure of William Nicholl and Katherine. Bounded by the lands of Lyson Parry gent now in the tenure of Alexande Lord, the brook called Dulas and the lane from Bacton to Urescoed Gennoll and the common called Urescoed Gennoll [Middle Maescoed?]

Excepted – Katherine’s life interest

Subject to redemption by payment of £52 on 16 September 1618

Seals three (two missing)

Witnesses; Nicholas Woolhope, Watkin Morgan, Ph. Morgan, Jenkin Harrie, David Phillip (?), Charles Jennings, John Thomas ap Thomas, Watkin Harry, Samuel Watkin


This property has been identified as that of Upper Gworlodith [Gwyrlodydd] now Old House, as it was in 1615

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Ref: gc_clo_0044