Held at:

Herefordshire Record Office


BO82/1-15 & 20




Parish Council:  Records

Place name:



1894 - 1995


Minute book 1894-1934; B082/1

Loose inside extract of entries relating to purchase of

a safe; postcard re Dorstone charity,10.12.1900.

Minute book 1934-1969; B 082/2

Minute book 1969-1973; B082/3

Declarations of acceptance of office 1995 (4 items); B082/4

Bundle of correspondence 1984 - 1995; B082/5

Topics include:

Local post offices issuing motor vehicle licences

Sale of police houses

Establishment of a unit at Ewyas Harold for the frail and elderly.

Public footpaths

Proposals for rural industry in the area.

Proposal to re-open Pontrilas railway station

Craswall bus shelter

Castle Green, Longtown

Unknown Donor Charity, Walterstone

Lack of low cost housing in the area

Proposed erection of anemometer on Black Hill Common, Llanveynoe.

Commons registration - land at Sun Inn Cottage, Longtown

Grass cutting alongside highways

Speed limit for Longtown village

File of correspondence relating to highways.and footpaths 1989-92; B082/6

File of planning applications with comments by Parish Council 1991-3; B082/7

Copy letter book 1951-2; B082/8

Financial statements 1936 - 1951; B082/9

Precept book 1973 - 1975; B082/10

Receipt and payment books; B082/11-13

1914 - 1948

1949 - 1976

1976 - 1986

Bundle of miscellaneous invoices and papers, 1936 - 1951; B082/14, including:

Letters re. tenancy of garden at the Cornewall Arms Inn

Letters re parish hall insurance.

Nomination papers, 1937

Constable's appointments 1940-1951

Draft mortgage, Longtown Parish Council to HCC, 1938.

Notes about purchase of parish hall safe.

Invoices 1936-1951 from local tradesmen for supplies and craftsmen

carrying out work for the council including cleaning parish hall, work

on roads and bridges, repairs at parish hall; tuning piano for the Eisteddfod.

Receipt counterfoil book labelled " Hills Charity" , 1910-1916; B082/15

Printed Report of Kentchurch Parish Council; B082/20

Railway Study Group re the feasibility of re-opening Pontrilas station.



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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0060