Held at:

Worcestershire County Council




Original publication


Excavation at Land adjacent to the Police Station, Longtown

Place name:





Guest Contribution: Introduction

This archaeological survey report is reproduced with the kind permission of Worcestershire County Council Historic Environment and Archaeology Service to whom we are most grateful. The full report can be downloaded as a pdf file by clicking the link on the title page below.

Ewyas Lacy Study Group



Report Summary:

This evaluation excavation was carried out as part of a Scheduled Monument Consent requirement for Longtown Castle and Town [County Monument Hereford and Worcester 20]. The consent relates to a proposed dwelling in a vacant plot to the north of the Castle [NGR SO 321 293]

The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the extent, depth, nature and date of the archaeological deposits. The results could then be used in the design of a proposed dwelling to preserve the site’s archaeological integrity.


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Ref: rs_lon_0254