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National Library of Wales




Original document, photocopy


Probate Collection; will and papers for Arnold Price, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
11 September 1744 .
Beneficiaries: To his wife Blanch his messuage and lands in which he dwells [unnamed], for the maintenance of his children and 'paying the Interest of the morgage money'. After her decease, or re-marriage, the messuage is to go to his son Arnold Price.
The sum of £160 left him in the will of his father, John Price, is to be spent as follows, £60 towards the mortgage; to his younger children £40, and to Arnold Price, his son, £60. The remaining part of the £160 to be paid after the death of his step-mother, Blanch Higgins [?]; also all his stock, goods and chattels.
In the event of his being without heirs, then his property was to go to his niece, Mary Harries, daughter of Walter and Sibil Harries, or, on her death without issue, to his brother John Price.

He nominates Walter Haries [Harries] and Charles Hunt to be trustees of his Will and appoints his wife, Blanch, and his son Arnold to be executors.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: Samuell Jenkins, John Price of Tregaron in Cardiganshire, Jonathan Price.

Date of probate:
15 April 1746 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
27 April 1745 , value £34.3.0. Appraisers: Thomas Prosser, Frances Smyth.




Number of documents 4.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_llv_0246