Held at:

Somerset House




Summary Transcriptions


Abstracts of wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury at Somerset House

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy


1616 - 1638


Over 1000 wills are summarised in the Abstracts document, the full version of which is available online from various sources. Three are in Ewyas Lacy; the entries are as follows:


611 Henry Thomas Prees of Clodocke, co. Heref., yeom.

(Dat. 27 Feb. 1619-20.) Bur. in psh. Ch. of Clodocke; Cath.

of St. David; mending of bridge at Philip Watkin's hou. in

Clodocke; my base son John, by Jonett, my now wife; Ids. in

Newton, co. Heref., bot. of Watkyn Prees; son David Harrye

and my dau. Blaunche, my legitimate chn. by wife Jonett; Ids.

held by copy of court roll of Ld. Burgavennye, sometime occ. by

sd. Watkyn Prees, surr. to me by Thos. Powell Mayde, ace. to

custom of man. of Ewyes Lacye; my base dau. Eliz., by Jonett,

my now wife; money in hands of Thos. John Phe. Pry to be

pd. at feast of St. Jacob and St. Philip the Apostles, 1622;

bro. John Thos. Prees; Chas. Jennynges; bro. David Thos.

Prees; Ids. late in ten. of Wm. Thomas in Clodocke, called Tyr

Shaywood; Ids. bot. of Phe. Morgan; leases held of Leysem

Thomas, esq., and John James Harry Powell; Leyson, Lewis

and Lucas, sons of David Thos. Prees, and Margt. and Sibill,

his daus.; David, son of John Thos. Prees; Eliz. vergh Griffith;

Jonet and Johane vergh .Griffith; George Griffith Howell;

Gregorye Allen and Jas. Griffith; my goddau. Jane, dau. of

Wm. Thomas; my godson Harry Thomas, son of Thos. John

Phee. Pry; my servt. Johane Thomas; Tobias Lucas, son of

Lucas Thomas; Thos. John Prosser; Margt. vergh David;

Sibill vergh David; my godson Lewes John, son of John

Powell of Trewerne; Evan Phe.; Kath., wife of Watkin Prees,

cottage wh. she dwells; Exors: bro. John Thos. Prees and my

SOAME, FOL. 52. 206

dau. Blaunche vergh Harrye; Overs: Thos. Powell of Olchon,

Thos. Prosser, George Jenkin, Hughe Powell. /.mark^ Wits:

John Jennynges, Thomas Morgan, George Griffith Howell

(mark), Hughe Lewis. (Pr. 13 May 1620, by John Thos. Prees",

pow. res. to Blaunche vergh Harrye; Pr. 13 Apr. 1638, by

Blanche vergh Harrye.)


470 William John Thomas of Cluddocke, co. Heref.

(Nunc, will dat. 24 Mar. 1616-17.) Bro. Henry John Thomas;

(Adm. gr. 23 Dec. 1620, {sic.) to Henry John Thomas, bro.

of deed., no Exor: being named.)

Def. sen. 27 May 1620, pronouncing for the validity of the

above will, disputed by John William and Joan Rees.


818 Thomas Jenyngs of Newton, in the psh. of Clodack,

CO. Heref., tanner. (Dat. 7 Dec. 1619.) Bell for Ch. of

Michaell Ch., Esely; wife Sibill; hou. I dwell in, bot. of John

Thomas, Philip Morgan, Philip Parrye and Morgan Willm.

Thos. Powell; tanhou.; sons Rowland, Thos. John and

Charles; dau. Johane; Sibell Bird, my sist's. dau.; Ids. in

Poston; Thos., son and hr. of my son Charles; money in

hds. of Mr. Harper, Abraham Prosser and Mr. John Carwardin;

mort. upon Richd. Thos. Powell's Ids.; dau. Margt.,

wife of Robt. Wilton; Ids. bot. of Willm. Harry William and

Thos. James; money in Mr. Greene's hds.; Exors: of John

Saunders, deed.; my servt. Philip Lloyd; Thos. John Lewes;

Ids. bot. of Sir Humfrey Baskervile, Kt., Thos. John Jenkyn

and John Duppar; son Chas.; money due fr. Wm. Whitlache;

money disbursed for Kaoed Lloynd; Exors: sons Thos. and

Chas.; {.no j7^.] Wits: Rowland Jennyngs, Charles Jennyngs,

John Jennyngs, Tho. Jeny, scr. Cod. (8 Mar.

1619-20.) Lucas Thomas; Richd. Thos. Powell; Thos.

Duppa's 4 poor chn.; dau. Johane, unm.; Wits: Rowland

Jennyngs, Charles Jennyngs, John Jennyngs, Sibill Bird,

Thomas J enye, scr. (Pr. 4 July 1620.)



Extracts kindly provided by Miriam Griffiths

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