Held at: | National Library of |
Reference: | BR/1641/176 |
Source: | Photocopy of original documents |
Title: | Probate Collection; Will and documents for Juhan Lewis, widow |
Place name: | Craswall |
Date: | 1641 |
1. Will dated 7June 1639.
To Marie Lewis Thomas, one feather bed.
To Mauld Thomas, one kivering[covering or coverlet].
To cousin, Thomas Price, one other kivering.
To brother, William Price, one bolster and a hempen sheet.
To cousin, Marie Price, one cauldron.
To Jane Lewis Thomas, a bolster and a sheet.
To William Lewis Thomas, one little pot.
To cousin, Lewis Price, an iron brotch, one great stand with one little pewter dish.
To cousin, Watkin Price, one coffer and a pewter dish.
To Juhan, daughter of Harry Watkin, tucker, 'my great pewter dish'.
To Blanch, daughter of Harry Watkin, tucker, one scarf.
To Anne and Katherine, Lewis Jenkin's daughters, the tear of one bale of flax and additionally to Katherine, one pillow beer[pillow case] and a towel..
To Lewis Thomas, one other coffer, one sheet and the hurds [the coarser part of flax when separated] of one bale of flax.
To Marie Treherne, 3/-.
To Lewis Thomas, a table cloth.
To cousin Thomas Price, a pillow.
To Thomas Price, a stand.
To Jane Lewis Thomas, 3/-.
To cousin, Marie Price, 'my best wearing band' [ a loose turnover collar which succeeded the ruff].
To Gwenllian Howell, the best petticoat, one sheet, one smock, one waistcoat, shoes and stockings and one 'coyffe'[coif].
To William and Rees sons of Lewis Jenkin, 2/- each.
To Watkin Jenkins, 'my great coffer'.
To Watkin Price, one sheet.
' I give 20/- towards my burying'
Executor: Lewis Price with Harry Watkin, tucker as overseer..
Marked by testator.
Witnesses: Harry Watkins, Lewis Watkins, Thomas Price and William Miles, clc..
Date of probate:
2. Inventory: undated; value £3 10 4d. Appraisers; Richard Jacob, David Watkin and Lewis Thomas..
The documents include a bond dated
Her short inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling.
| £ | s | d |
Imprimis in brass and pewter | xiijs |
| 13 |
Ite all the wooden vesssels with all the coffers | xiijs |
| 13 |
Ite in flax | iiijs |
| 4 |
Ite Iron ware | js |
| 1 |
Ite all the rest of the household stuff & implements of |
Ite her wearing apparel | vjs |
| 6 |
Debts due unto the testator wth out specialty upon |
| |
| [comes to |
| £3 | 10 | 4d] |
Debts due upon the testator wth out specialty to |
| |
Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_cra_0808