Held at: | Gwent Record Office |
Reference: | D.1583.3.8 |
Source: | Catalogue, Lord Abergavenny’s estates |
Title: | Note re lease in Lower Maescoed |
Place name: | Clodock |
Date: | 1784 |
Note by William Jones, July 6, 1784. Cites lease of Thomas Lewis (?son of (2) in D.1583.6 and 7) of Newton, par Clodock, outlining property by Lower Mescode Common, held freehold of Phillip Lewis of Diffrin, copyhold of John Lewis under Lord Avergavenny and freehold of Benjamin Lewis. 2 lives in being.
A new lease to be granted to Thomas Lewis for his life, his brother John’s and that of James Lewis, son of Thomas, aged 23.
Note 16 Nov, 1784: James Lewis paid entry fine of £9/-/- and £2/12/6 for the leases.
See D.1583.3.6,7 for earlier lease
Ref: nw_clo_1018