

LHS reference

NLW reference

Inv Date

Date of death

John Thomas Price





An Inventory of all the goods catell and chattels of John Tho Price which were not administered by Watjkin Wm Harrie Executor of the sayd John Thomas Price.

Impris one Lease bearing Date ye 7th day of February in ye
13th year of ye reign of King James of England etc.
made between Nicholas Gilbert of Llanveynoe of ye one part
and the Said Thomas John Price of ye other pte of certain                                  10li        10s
Lands situate in Clodock in ye County of Hereford to be
held from ye day of the Date of the said Lease for 99 years
thence next ensuing

[spelling modernized]

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Ref: ldhsarchive_inv_llv_0244