Name | LHS reference | NLW reference | Inv Date | Date of death |
Watkins, Walter, turner | pfs_cra_0705 | BR/1708/16 | 16 Apr 1708 |
Item | £ | s | d |
His wearing Apparel |
| x |
Three Cowes | v |
Two year old heifers | i | x |
Three Calves |
| xv |
One old Horse & a small yearling Colt | i | v |
Fourteen sheep | i | vi |
Two young Pigs |
| x |
Corn & Grain in the house & growing upon the Land | i |
Victuals in the house |
| vi | viij |
Household stuff | ii |
All other Trumpery & Implements of Husbandry |
| v |
| xiiij | vii | viij |
[spelling modernized] [£14 7 8d]
David Watkins
Sachary Griffitts }Appraisers
Tho: Price
Ref: ldhsarchive_inv_cra_0705