Name | LHS reference | NLW reference | Inv Date | Date of death |
Watkins, Margery | pfs_cra_0685 | BR/1722/23 | nd |
Item | £ | s | d |
Her wearing Apparel at |
| 8 | 0 |
One bed with the Appurtenances at |
| 15 | 0 |
One old pot and one kettle at |
| 18 | 0 |
Two little Barrels or firkins and three old tubs and |
Ten yards of Hurden Cloth |
| 8 | 9 |
7 sheep at |
| 17 | 6 |
| 3 | 19 | 3 |
[spelling modernized]
[No appraisers listed]
Ref: ldhsarchive_inv_cra_0685