

LHS reference

NLW reference

Inv Date

Date of death

Parry, Mary





The accts of John Hodges Executor of the last will and testamt of Mary Parry decd made and exhibited the 13th day of December 1680.

The accomptant???s Charge                                                               £          s          d         
                                                                                                            46        18        04

The accomptants Discharge
            Imprs funeral expenses about                                               01        10        00
            It   probate of the will about                                                   01        00        00
            It   Pd to Rebecca Hodges a legacy of                                 05        00        00
            It  The accomptant???s own legacy                                          05        05        00
            It    pd to Syble Madocke 10s ([undecipherable] 10s )          00        10        00
            It   to Mary Watkins one Ash Colour petticoat                       00        10        00
            It   pd some small debts of about                                          00       04        00                                                                                                                    Total disbursed         £13      14         00d                                                                                                                                                                 
            Rem in the Accomptant???s hands to be secured for & to be pd according to the           terms of the will the
            Sum of 33li  :  04s   :  04d   or thereabouts.

                                                                                    Remr   ________33li   04s   04d

[spelling modernized]

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Ref: ldhsarchive_acc_llv_0230