

LHS reference

NLW reference

Inv Date

Date of death

Watkin , James, husbandman





The Accompt of George Parry on of the supervisors of the last will and Testament of James Watkin of Llanveynoe   in the County of Hereford dcd and one of the Administrators of the goods cattle & chattels of the said Decd during the minority of Mary Watkin Executrix named in the sd will

The accountant???s charge                                                                  £          s          d         
                                                                                                            49        09        00

The Discharge
            Imps    pd funeral expenses about                                        01        00        00
            Itm      probate of ye will sentence & all other ser[vice]
                      to Judge [indecipherable word] & proctor abt             02        13        06
            Itm      pd secured to pay 16li real                                        16        00        00
            Itm      pd four small debts abt   10s                                     00        10        00
                                                                                                          20        03        6        

Rem in the accomptant???s hands and the other supervisrs in the will named abte £29
which are given by the will between the sd   executors & which the acctant is willing to secure to pay according to ye terms of the will.

[spelling modernized]

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Ref: ldhsarchive_acc_llv_0221