Title: | Economics and Politics: Working Lives in Ewyas Lacy | |
Agricultural Workers Farming has always been the most important source of work in Ewyas Lacy, and agriculture either directly or indirectly provided the livelihood for the majority of the population. History has not, in the main, recorded much about the lower ranks of those who worked on the land beyond census data and their legacies from a few surviving wills. Higher up the social scale the records are more extensive for those who held land from the Lord of the Manor. Browse the links below to find references to farmers and their workers.
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Trades and Professions
In days gone by travelling and the movement of goods were much more difficult than they are today, especially in comparatively remote areas such as Ewyas Lacy. Trade and commerce were therefore more locally focussed, and the various parishes and townships of Ewyas Lacy developed their own local economies in which a wide variety of non-agricultural occupations were represented. Browse the links below to find references to individuals who plied their different trades and professions in Ewyas Lacy over the years
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| A description of the life of a general practitioner in the period from 1905 to the 1940s
| Photographs at Quarrelly Farm taken between 1920 and 1945, from the Richard Jenkins Collection
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