Held at:

Private collection




Original document


Digital Images Collection: Photograph of legal correspondence concerning the purchase of Green Farm

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley




The letter appears to be an exchange between two firms of solicitors concerning the possible acquisition by a Mr Hamp of a property called Green Farm and perhaps another property called ‘Upper Grange’.



The wider context and background to the transactions addressed in this letter, and the reason for a copy of it to be found in the papers of HR Trafford, are uncertain, but the Green Farm and Upper Grange mentioned above are unlikely to have been part of the original Michaelchurch Estate purchase. Both these properties are in Bacton and were part of the Bacton Estate in which Mr Hamp had an interest and a connection by the marriage of his daughter to a Partridge and a grand daughter to a Trafford. The Partridges built a new house [Bacton Stud] on the land which had been Green Farm and Upper Grange became the Dowager house of widow Mrs Partridge. For further details click here.

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Ref: rs_mic_0517