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Partial Transcription: Pleadings in the Court of Chancery regarding rents owing on land in Peterchurch

Place name:

Golden Valley




[Pleading by Rowland Vaughan of Whitehouse in the Court of Chancery, claiming rents allegedly due on land in Peterchurch]


Transcription by David Lovelace, spellings modernised, abbreviations expanded. {} brackets in text, [] missing text, ( ) my comments, words in italic unsure.


PRO C2/JasI/U3/42 (misclassified as 43) dated 1621


To the kings most excellent majesty in his highness court of Chancery


In most humble manner complaining shows unto your highness your loyal and obedient subject Rowland Vaughan of Whitehouse in your highness county of Herefordshire esquire,

that whereas your highness said subject was leased seised in demesne as of freehold for term of his life as tenant by courtesy of England of one capital messuage or mansion house called or known by the name of Whitehouse and of or in diverse sundry houses gardens orchards lands arable meadows leasows pastures woods and other hereditaments to and with the said capital messuage used occupied and enjoyed situate lying and being in the several parishes if Vowchurch, Turnastone and St. Margarets in the said county of Hereford,

and whereas also your said subject was lawfully seised in his demesne as of the fee and in one close of arable land called Monkes close containing by estimation twelve acres {with a water corn mill hereupon erected and above of and in three acres or thereabouts  of meadow ground lying in Peterchurch aforesaid in the said county} situate lying and being in Peterchurch in the said county and of and in one other close of arable land in Peterchurch aforesaid in the said county containing by estimation four acres with a water corn mill hereupon erected and above of and in three acres or thereabouts  of meadow ground lying in Peterchurch aforesaid in the said county in a meadow there called the great meadow: and also of and in three other acres of meadow ground in Peterchurch after which sometimes heretofore were in the tenancy and occupation of John Brampton and of and in one parcel of meadow pasture in Peterchurch aforesaid called the Pike containing by estimation four acres more or less and of and in one other meadow in Peterchurch aforesaid in the said county called and known by the name of the Pristes meadow [c?bye] one acre and also of and in the late free chapel of Snodes lying within the said parish of Peterchurch and of and in diverse lands [….] arable meadows and pastures lying and being in the said parish of Peterchurch sometime belonging and appertaining to the said free chapel and also of and in diverse tithes of corn, grain and hay yearly arising growing and renewing within the said parish of Peterchurch in the said county sometimes belonging to the said free chapel. 

And your said subject [being] seized of all and singular the said premisses being of the yearly value of £100 above all reprises and charges about the month of January in the seventh year of his majesties reign that now is (1610) [..]end by writing demise and grant all and singular the said premises with their appurtenances unto one Thomas Davyes of the inner temple London esquire, […] Wallcott late of Fetterlane London and John Braynton late of Streaton in your highness county of Hereford gent. and their assigns for and during the term of twenty years next after the making of the said demise ensuing fully to be complete and ended but upon trust and confidence and upon the consideration that they the said Thomas Davyes, John Wallcott and John Braynton should receive take and p[ ]reave? the rents, issues and profits thereof yearly to the only use and behoof of your said subject and not to their or any of their use or uses

and th[is] yearly during the time and space as they or any of them or their assigns should continue the possession and occupation thereof they and said Thomas Davyes, John Wallcott and John Braynton should account pay and deliver unto your said subject and his assigns all the yearly rent which should be and profits by them or their assigns afterwards from year to year received or taken during the said term of all the said premises to your said subjects own use otherwise and in default hereof that it should be lawful to and for your said subject and his assigns to re-enter have and repossess all the said premises as in his former estate notwithstanding the said demise by force of which demise the said Thomas Davyes, John Wallcott and John Braynton into all the said premises entered and were and are hereof accordingly possess and subject to the said trust conditions and confidence and they said Thomas Davyes, John Wallcott and John Braynton and their assigns did since then have had the quiet occupation and possession of all the said premises and accordingly have did since being for space of about 12 years by themselves or their assigns…


(goes on like this for 20 more lines…)




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Ref: rs_gdv_0113