
Digital Archive [INDEX]: Wills and Probate documents – Private Collection - Michaelchurch


1841 - 1989


The links below lead to photographs of a selection of wills and probate documents that are part of a wider private collection of documents relating to Michaelchurch Court and Estate contained within our Digital Archive.


Michaelchurch Collection:


Will of Benjamin Rawson 1841

Will of Edward Guy Trafford 1908

Estate of HR Trafford 1911

Will of Mrs BM Capper 1920

Will of RRWRTrafford1940

Probate RRWR Trafford 1943

Probate - Will of RRWR Trafford 1943

Probate Mrs BM Capper 1962

Probate MH Hunter 1989


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Ref: rs_DA_0042