Held at:

Gwent Record Office


D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets)


ELSG digital images & transcription


Articles give in Charge

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley, Urishay, Peterchurch




Transcription of image 481


Articles given in charge


[These details were added to the dorse of the document by a later hand. Perhaps in 1818 ]


Transcription of image 482


John Boswell

Bailiff of the said manor.

Mannor of


At a court of Survey and Court Baron of [blank] held for the said mannor on the [blank] day of [blank] in the seventh year of the reign of our sovereign lord George the second King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the faith and so forth before Edward Williams gentleman steward of the said mannor as well by the oath of the jury whose names are underwritten as by the inspection and examination of the ancient court rolls and other evidences belonging to the said mannor.


The names of the jury sworn.


Articles given in charge to the said jury.


First what are the several limits butts and bounds of the said mannor what franchises liberties or priviledges belong to the same And whether any person or persons whatsoever have intruded or incroached upon the said mannor or any of the franchises liberties and priviledges belonging thereto.


2. Also do you of any lands tenements rents duties services or other profits, books, court rolls or other writings belonging to the said mannor that are concealed or detained from the lord of this mannor, how long since, by whom what is so concealed or detained and the value thereof.


3. Also what mountains heaths wastes or commons are within the said mannor, appertaining or belonging to the lord of the said mannor, what incroachments thereon, by whom how long contained and what rents & services have been paid to the lord or lords of the said mannor for the same what rights of common or other priviledges the tenants of the said mannor have in the said wastes or commons what is due or payable to the lord of the said mannor for the same To whom do the quarries of stone or mines of coal or any minerals whatsoever (if any be found) mosses of peate or turf on the said wastes or commons belong unto. What timber trees or other trees have been cut or fallen upon the said wasts or commons by whom how long since and to what value.


Also what are the customs in generall of the said mannor What fines reliefs issues amercements perquisites of court herriotts wayfes estrays felons goods treasuretrove deodans and other casualties duties or profits happening within the said mannor are due and belonging to the lord of the said mannor And what is the custom of the said mannor touching the payment thereof.


Also what are the butts and bounds between the freehold land and leasehold land belonging to the said lord within the said mannor Whether any tenant or person whatsoever have plowed up cast down removed or taken away any mear stone baulk hedgerow or landshare between the said mannor and other mannors or lordships thereto adjoining or between the lords land or any other lands or tenements or between any the freehold or leasehold lands in the said mannor. By whom was such offence committed and where and where and in what place ought those altered bounds to stand and remain?


Also whether any wast hath been committed or suffered by any of the freeholders leaseholders or tenants at will within the said mannor upon any of the lands or tenements the hold of the said lord either in pulling down of houses, buildings, walls pales or fences or by suffering of them to go into decay  for want of repairation or by cutting or destroying of timber trees or fruit trees or by plowing up of antient meadow or pasture ground or the like By whom hath the said wast been committed or suffered how lolng since and what damage hath it been or is it now to the said lord.


7. Also whether any tenant within the said lordship have severed, aliened, divided or dismembered any lands or tenements held of or belonging to the lord of this mannor what lands are so aliened to whom in whose possession are the said lands now And what rents or services are due to lord of the said mannor for the same.


8. Also what and how many hamlets and townships are within the said mannor What mannors messuages lands and tenements are held of the same by what tenures rents and services are the same held what interest terms of lifes or years the freeholders or leaseholders within the said mannor have in their freehods or leases.


An image is missing for the first part of this document
transcription is given above from  a separate scource

ELSG image accession ref. - cwmbran1 481 & 482



Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127


For zoomable images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_9.pdf

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