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Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 7 items

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley


1760 -1862


Map No 7 – Michaelchurch

(map taken from D1583/208)
click here for down load of a zoomable map (large file wait for download)

Michaelchurch. - Leasehold

No. 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
[struck out – Lease granted 25 March 1803 to Rebecca Davies of Leominster, Widow
for the lives of Daniel Dickens then aged 45 (dead) and. Philip and Thomas Davies then aged resptly 12 and 5 (children of Lessee)]
Improperly granted in the year 1859 as Copyhold to Wm Bishop of Dolward
Michaelchurch Tithe Map 314, 315, 316, 317, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090 and 1091
Rent 5/-


No. 7a - see next page


No. 8 to 19 inclusive
Lease granted 29 Sept 1807 to William Harris of the Pootha, Michaelchurch, Yeoman
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 29 (dead) and Walter and Elizabeth Harris then aged resptly 3yrs and16 months (children of Lessee). Lessee dead
Walter Harris now of Michaelchurch, Blacksmith and Elizabeth now wife of Edwin Turner of Gloucester, Shopman.
Nos. 8 to14 sold to Owen Tickell Algar
Remaining Nos. in possession of Wm Harris
Michaelchurch Tithe Map 343, 344, 345, 352, 353, 354, 355, 360, 318, 322, part 323 & 324, 325, 326, 327, 338, 340 & 341
Acreage 51a.3r.7p


[struck out- No. 7a Copy granted 19 February 1858 to the Revd Barton Lawrence of No. 7 Clifton Vale, Clifton
for the Lives of John, Ann and Henry Lawrence then aged resptly 14, 11 & 9 (children of Grantee]


No 7a
Lease granted 2 Feb 1859 to Richard Barton the Lord of Caldy Manor, Co. Chester
for the Lives of John and Richard Parry then aged resptly 18 & 13 years (sons of Joshua Parry of Newton, Farmer) and David Paton 5 (son of David Paton of Michaelchurch, Farmer)
Leasehold and called “Cae Coch” and situate in Crasswall
Tithe Map 650,& 657. Acreage 10a.1r.1p
Purchased in 1864 by Miss Eliz. Rawson of Nidd Hall, Yorkshire


No. 20, 21, 22
Copy granted to 1859 to Jas Kemp, Surgeon of Springfield Lodge, Dorking, Co Surrey Esq. and Owen Tickell Algar of Bedford Row, Middlesex, Gent
for the Lives of The Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred and Prince Arthur
Michaelchurch Tithe Map 319, 320, Part 323 & 324, 328, 330, 331, 332, & 338 & 237
acreage 27a.2r.12p
Rent 3/-



Use of capitals, spelling and punctuation have been retained. To ease readability some line breaks have been introduced. Some abbreviations have been expanded. Brackets - ( ) are as document. Brackets - [ ] indicate text struck out or added information. The Field numbers used for primary identification are those used in a survey made before 1800 (see D/1583/208) and predate those of the Tithe surveys of the 1840’s.

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