Held at:

Private Collection




Original documents


Digital Images Collection: Photographs of Conveyance of part of the Michaelchurch Court Estate

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley, Craswall, St Margarets




Photographs of a conveyance with schedules and maps dated 1st August 1975 of The Fwdogg [Fwddog], the Black Darren, the Catsback, Cefn Hill, Vagar Hill, Canon Tump Common, Victoria Common, Wells Green Common, Lower House Common & Merryhurst Green, Tiptoe Common, Walterstone Common and lower Maescoed Common [all part of the Michaelchurch Court Estate], totalling 3194 acres, from Clare Margaret Hunter to Michael Henry Hunter. The document is annotated with a memorandum of a conveyance dated 8th August 1986 of Walterstone Common to Gervis James Geoffrey Elwes [referring to Map 6 which is missing], and another referring to a deed of grant of right of way between Llaneth Cottage and Lower House common dated 19th February 1990.


Follow the links below to download the attached maps as PDF files.


Maps 1 & 2: The Fwddog, the Black Darren and the Catsback


Maps 3 to 7: Cefn Hill, Vagar Hill and other Commons


[Note that PDF downloads are large files]





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Ref: rs_mic_0634