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Herefordshire Record Office




Transcript from Public Record document


Patent Rolls 14th Century

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




25 May 1359. Pardon to Roger de Mortuo Mary [Mortimer], earl of March, for any contempt to the king done by him in sending John de Boa, charged with assent to the breaking of the earl’s prison at Ewyas Lacy in Wales, whereby many felons escaped, from the land of Ewyas to his castle of Radenor, to be imprisoned there until delivered according to law and the custom of those parts.

25 May 1359. Licence for the said earl, on his petition showing that he has in his lands and lordship of Radenor, Buelt and Ewyas Lacy in Wales two castles only, to wit one at Radenor and the other at Buelt, to which all prisoners taken in the lands and lordships of Radenor and Buelt are brought to be detained until delivered according to law and the custom of those parts and he has no castle in the land and lordship of Ewyas for the safekeeping of prisoners taken in that land and lordship, to bring all those taken in that land and lordship, to bring all those taken in that land and liberty for felonies, trespasses or any other causes, to either of the said castles and imprison them there until they be delivered according to the law and custom of those parts.

[Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III (1358-1361, p202)]


In typescript records of ancient documents relating to Herefordshire; Vol 3, p173

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