
HMI Reports relating to Longtown School 1875 – 1910: transcript from school log books


1875 - 1910


The log books of Longtown School include a record of yearly inspections carried out by HMI (Her/His Majesty’s Inspectors), which are transcribed below. The handwritten text can be seen in the digital archive of the log books on this website. Click here for an index to each year.

The role of HMI inspections at Longtown school during this period is discussed in the research paper ‘Self portrait of a village school’. Click here to see.


1875  Vol 1 p39  [January 1876]
This day received from the Education Department the Report of HMI EW Colt Williams Esqr who visited the school 10th December 1875. It is as follows:-
After many vicissitudes this school is again inspected for a Grant: a certificated Teacher having been in charge for ten months. The children are very backward, partly owing to the bad attendance of many of them & partly because Mr Driffield has had no help in teaching an average of nearly 50 children. Next year I shall expect to find a marked improvement in Spelling, Arithmetic and Sewing; and especially in the Instruction of the Infants, who now know but very little. A paid Monitor or Pupil Teacher should be at once engaged. The playground should be properly fenced in, the offices repaired and made decent. A book cupboard, maps, pictures of animals, form & colour box, ball frame, Summary Register and two sets of books for each Standard should be provided. The children sang very fairly and were in fair discipline.
 Longtown Board School Staff 1875
 Thomas Driffield Cert 2nd Class.

[Not signed]

1876  No report

1877  Vol 1 p63 [December 1877]
Report from HM Inspector EW Colt Williams, who visited the School on 18th December 1877.
This School was not examined last year as Mr Driffield had neither filled up the Forms nor kept his Register properly. The Registers have been kept better, but might be much cleaner and no erasures should appear in them. The results of this examination are fair, and the handwriting throughout is good. The Board should remember that if they want the children well taught, they, the Board, should make them attend School better. As it is no single child has made 400 attendances although the school had been opened 414 times. The Arithmetic needs attention, and next year if the extra subjects are better known they may secure the grant under article 19.c.
J Hughes has passed fairly, but should attend to Grammar.
Longtown Board Staff 1878
Thomas Driffield Cert 2nd Class
 [Not signed]

1878  No report

1879  Vol 1 p84 [May 1879]
HM Inspector’s Report received this day, May 19, 1879.
Mr Lawrence has been here six months and succeeding very well. The children are bright and intelligent & if the Board will put their Bye Laws into force properly so as to enforce attendance, this will become a highly efficient school. Handwriting might be bolder. New books are needed.
W Watkins – Failure
J Hughes name has been removed from the Register of Pupil Teachers serving in this school
Longtown Board School Staff 1879
Thomas Lawrence, Cert Teach of 2nd Class
[Signed] T Llanwarne Correspondent of the School.

1880  Vol1 p105 [April 1880]
This school has not been visited by Members of the Board during the past year, and only one member was present at the examination. Nor have the Registers been checked. The attendance at this school, which has the greatest advantages of the four belonging to this Board, is very irregular, and yet some of the children who are so irregular live within a reasonable distance of the school. Mr Lawrence has been on the whole very successful during the past year. The children write, read and spell well though handwriting in the First Standard & some on Paper might be larger, while in Arithmetic the only two really weak Standards are the second & fourth. Discipline good.
It is incumbent on the Board to see that proper supervision is exercised over the Registration.
A Thomas has passed well but should attend to Euclid.
Longtown Board School Staff 1880
Thos Lawrence Cert Teacher of 2nd Class
Alfd Thomas – Pupil teacher
[Signed] T Llanwarne Correspondent of the School

1881  Vol 1 p120 [April 1881]
Report of HM Inspector on Longtown Board School 1881.
Although this school has been open 429 times in the year, and is situate in a large village, only three children have made over 400 times during the year. The attendance is far more irregular than it ought to be, and the average for the year shows no increase. I am glad to note that members of the Board have paid this & the other schools under their control sundry visits during the year. Mr Lawrence’s school is well disciplined, though I should like to see the children cleaner, and he has taught it well on the whole. Geography & Grammar weak in the upper Standards. The wall at the back of the privies needs raising, and the walls of the school need pointing in several places.
A  Thomas has passed fairly, but should attend to Algebra & History.
Longtown Board School Staff 1881
Thomas Lawrence Cert Teacher of the 2nd Class
Alfred Thomas Pupil teacher
[Signed] Thos Llanwarne Correspondent of the School

1882  p140 [May 1882]
Report of HM Inspector on Longtown Board School.
The attendance has increased since last year, but it ought to  be much better than it is. Discipline excellent. Much of the Handwriting is good, but arithmetic above the first Standard is very weak. 24 children did not get a single sum right. Reading in the third Standard should be better. Geography weak above the Second Standard. Grammar failure. The Repairs done to the wall of the offices are satisfactory. A hollow in the yard near the boys’ offices needs filling up & the west wall of the classroom to be protected from damp.
A Thomas has passed fairly. He should be informed. that he is now qualified under Article 79 but not under Article 60.
Longtown Bd School Staff 1882
Thos Lawrence, Cert Teacher of the 2nd Class
Louisa A Smith Art 32 (c)
[Signed] Thos Llanwarne, Correspondent

1883  Vol 1 p159 [April 1883
Mr Lawrence deserves great credit for the very satisfactory way in which his scholars have passed their Examination this year in Elementary and Extra subjects. Reading and Handwriting are especially good and Discipline is excellent. The weak point is the state of the Infants who should be much more advanced especially those of six years of age. A Map of England and Wales is needed. The Attendance is far from being as regular as it might be. Some of the girls might be in higher stages of Needlework.
LA Smith is recognised as qualified to serve under Article 84, Code of 1882.
School Staff 1883
Thomas Lawrence, Cert Teacher of the 2nd Class
Louisa A Smith Art 84 Code 1882
[Signed] T Llanwanrne, Correspondent

1884 p177 [April 1884]
Report 1884.
The results of Examination are now as good this year as they were last year. Discipline is very good, but the children might show more vivacity and answer questions more generally. Spelling is weak in the third & fourth Standards.  The required amount of multiplication Tables should be known better by the first Standard. Handwriting is very good throughout the School. Arithmetic is weak in the third, fourth & fifth Standards. Of the seven Infants of five and six years old four might be more advanced and they should show more life in viva voce work. Needlework is very fair. The mark Good for English is obtained with difficulty as the third Standard is very weak in this subject. Geography is fair, subject to the remark as to intelligence. Reading is good.
LA Smith is continued under Art 84.
School Staff 1884
Thos Lawrence Cert Tea of the 2nd Class
Louisa A Smith Art 84
[Signed] T Llanwarne, correspondent

1885  Vol 1 p190 [April 1885]
I have very great hesitation in recommending any Merit Grant this year for this school, and cannot do so next year unless very great improvement be shown in Arithmetic throughout the school, in Spelling in the first & second Standards, and in the instruction of the Infants. The tables are badly done in the first and second Standards: in the third Standard most of the children are unable to work the simple Long Division sums and the Problems, while in the fourth and fifth Standards nine papers do not contain a sum correctly worked between them. Infants are backward in Reading: none of six years of age put down tens correctly, and Subtraction is not taught. But little fluency is shown in Reading by the Stand [?] children & answering in the 1st and 2nd Stands comes slowly. I cannot believe that there are not more than 75 children who ought to be on the books of this school. Discipline is good, but I hope another year not to see so much ink spilled about the floor.
LA Smith’s name has been removed from the Register of the Pupil Teachers serving in this school.
Staff 1885
Those Lawrence Master
 MA Williams Pup Tea.
[Signed] T Llanwarne, Correspondent

1886  Vol 1 p204 [August 1886]
HM Inspector’s Report for 1886.
The discipline is very good and the condition of the school has improved but Arithmetic and Spelling in the third, fourth and fifth Standards need improvement. Most of the children in the third Standard are unable to work the easy problem. In the first Standard several children should spell better. Handwriting is on the whole good throughout, the slate work not being as good as the paper. The first Standard should be more careful to form their figures uniformly. English fails. Geography passes fairly. The infants are better taught this year, but those of six years of age should be able to add better than they do. Needlework in the 3rd Standard needs more attention. Explanation comes slowly somewhat in the Reading lessons. A new set of Geographical Readers is needed as the present set does not comply with the requirements of the Instructions.
HM Inspector states that unless MA Williams greatly improves especially in Arithmetic and History she will fail next year.
Longtown Bd Sch Staff 1886
T Lawrene, Cert Teacher of 2nd Class
[Not signed]

1887  Vol 1 p224 [April 1884]
HM Inspector’s Report for 1887. Recd Apl 29.
Mr Jenkins came here in June last and has done a great deal in improving the attainments of his pupils. They are in excellent discipline, read well and answer more readily than for some time past. Tables have been successfully taught in the first and second standards, and Arithmetic has altogether improved, the fifth and sixth standards being excepted. Spelling too is better though most of the third standard pass with a maximum number of mistakes and part of the first standard might be better, but great progress has been made in this standard considering that several were backward as Infants. Composition of the fifth and sixth and seventh standards needs care as to punctuation and expression. Infants have been well taught, except that those of five years of age should attend to lines when writing and should not answer out of turn. English passes fairly, Geography and Needlework week. Button holes need attention. The Infants should have some varied occupation.
MA Williams – Arithmetic.
School Staff 1887-8
DW Jenkins, Certificated Teacher of 2nd Class
MA Williams, Fourth Year Pupil Teacher
[Signed] T Llanwarne, Clerk

1888  Vol 1 p249 [April 1888]
HM Inspector’s Report for 1888. Recd Apl 19.
I am glad to report the large increase of 20 in the average for the past year, and that 27 children have made over 400 times at school, although the school has been open only 414 times in the past year. This shows the influence of Mr Jenkins who has taught his school most successfully in elementary subjects, English and Geography, while the children are in excellent discipline, The answering was bright and intelligent. The weakness in Arithmetic on the part of the fourth standard makes me hesitate in recommending the Merit Grant of Excellent. The Infants are very well taught, but those of six years of age should be more forward in Arithmetic. Needlework very good.
MA Williams should be informed that she is not qualified by this examination under Article 50 or 51. She can be qualified for Article 50 only by passing the examination specified in Article 46.
AL Evans is recognised under Article 84.
Mr Jenkins will receive his certificate in due course.
School Staff 1888-9
DW Jenkins, Certificated Teach of 2nd Class
Anna L Evans Assistant (Art 84)
[Signed] T Llanwarne, Correspondent

1889  Vol 1 p285 [June 1889]
Received the Government Report, which is copied below.
The school has done well throughout. Discipline is good. Reading is wanting in distinct articulation and answering generally might be more free and outspoken. The Infants class is very fairly taught. The school promises to do very well.
AJ Price  Grammar, Geography, History & Music
M Farr is recognised under Article 84.
[Not signed]


1890  Vol 1 p306  [November 1890]
Summary of HMI Report.
This school has experienced repeated changes of Teachers during the past year and it has recently suffered from the prevailing epidemic. In spite of these drawbacks the results of the examination are distinctly satisfactory. The children read and recite with much force and expression, and they work their papers with considerable neatness. They are acquiring a good style of Handwriting, but care should be taken that in the Fourth Standard and upwards the writing should be running and free as well as symmetrical. The higher Standards Arithmetic might be more accurate and the Geography might be treated a little more in detail. Needlework passes fairly well, but cotton of two colours should be used throughout, in order to test the children’s knowledge of joinings.
M Farr is continued under Article 84.
[Not signed]

1891  Vol 1 p350 [May 1891]
Copy of HMI’s Report 1891
Day School. The School is orderly and the elementary work was well done, though arithmetic does not rise above fair in spite of very creditable neatness in working. Singing by note was satisfactory. Grammar was very weak in the fourth Standard, fair or fairly good in the others. Geography was good as a rule. Needlework was fairly good, except the fifth Standard, but this subject should improve if the higher grant is to be again recommended. Generally the condition of the school is decidedly creditable.
Evening School. This is a useful class. Arithmetic is not strong however, and the Agriculture answers do not show much precise knowledge.
AJ Price has passed fairly but should attend to History & Music.
M Farr is continued under Article 68.
Staff for 1891-1
JW Nichols 2nd Class Certificated Master
AJ Price 4th Year PT
M Farr Article 68
[Signed]  T Llanwarne, correspondent

1892   Vol 1 p393 [May 1892]
Received the Annual Report from the Inspector which reads as follows:-
The Managers have done much during the past year to improve the premises and the school-room has now a neat and bright appearance. The children are under very good control and they pass a successful examination in most respects.
Grammar is much improved, and in spite of the weakness of the fourth standard the high grant for this subject is recommended.
The Handwriting and style of the paper work are good and the composition of the higher standards deserves special praise. The first class shows weakness in Reading and Arithmetic and the infants should be accustomed to break up the sentences of the Reading lessons rather in phrases than in single words. In other respects the infants do very creditably. Needlework is satisfactory, but the herring bone of the third standard is poor, and several of the prepared garments are in an incomplete state. The Master is not at present advised to begin the teaching of specific subjects.
M Farr is continued under Article 68.
Staff for 1892-3
J Nichols 2nd Class Certificated Master
Miss AJ Price 4th Year PT
Miss M Farr Article 68
Signed] T Llanwarne, correspondent

1893  Vol 1 p439 [May 1893]
Received today HM Inspector’s [word missing]. It reads as follows:-
Mr Dyer has had charge of this school for four months only, and he cannot therefore be held wholly responsible for its present state. Reading and Recitation usually pass, and the Handwriting is generally creditable, but the spelling of the upper Standards is not strong, and their Arithmetic is exceptionally weak. The fifth and sixth completely fail in the latter subject, and there is no attempt at problems above the fourth Standard. This failure is partly owing, no doubt, to the irregularity of attendance which prevails in the first class and which appears to call for the attention of the Board. The higher Grant for Geography is again recommended, in spite of the backwardness of the third Standard; but the summary mark for English does not rise above fair. Needlework is reported by the examiner to be fair throughout. The Master should insist on stricter discipline. There should be no attempts at copying, and all class movements should be conducted in a quiet and orderly manner. Miss Price teaches the Infants Class with painstaking care. Some restlessness is perceptible, and this probably points to insufficient drill and to a want of suitable physical exercises.
If a greater evidence of the distinct efficiency of the Staff is not shown next year, the Grant under Art 105 of the Code will not be recommended.
The condition of the Boys’ offices must be improved.
AJ Price has attained a Second Class in the Queen’s Scholarship Examination.
J Davies Failure.
Ch Wm Dyer Certificated Master
Arabella J Price Assistant Teacher (Article 50)
[Signed] T Llanwarne. Correspondent

1894  Vol 2 p24 [July 1894]
Copy of Report. Recd July 10th 1894.
The school was orderly and the results of examination fair. Arithmetic being the weakest subject. The boys did very fairly in Geography except in the fourth standard. Grammar was very weak in the first class. Needlework was good throughout. The first standard and the Infants are well taught by Miss Farr, but her task is almost impossible owing to the small size of the room and its unsuitable furniture. It would be a great advantage to enlarge the room which can easily be done, and meanwhile the present cumbrous desks should be removed, and the proper gallery desks should be fitted.
The Registers must be tested on behalf of the Board at least once a quarter, at irregular intervals as required by paragraph 6 of Article II of Instructions to HM Inspectors. Attention is requested to the enclose Form 69.
Miss Farr is recognised under Article 68.
J Farr Failure Arithmetic
Ch Wm Dyer Certd Master
Miss Farr Article 68.
[Not signed]

1895  Vol 2 p54 [July 1895]
Copy of Report for 1895.
The school has passed through a year of difficulty owning partly to the severe winter, which told lamentably on the attendance, and partly to the changes of Teachers.
The Present Master, who has been in charge rather more than six months, has the children in very good order, and he is effecting general improvement. The Grammar of the first class needs much attention, and the work of the third standard is generally weak. Geography on the whole passes creditably, and the first, fifth, and sixth standards show a satisfactory knowledge of the elementary subjects. The higher grant for Needlework is continued, owning to the exceptional drawbacks of the year, but the summary mark for the subject is not as good as it might be.
E Price is recognised under Article 68 of the Code but must improve in general aptitude.
The infant teaching should be brighter in character.
Staff   J Helliwell Cert Master
E Price Art 68
[Signed]  T Llanwarne

1896  Vol 2 p83 [August 1896]
Copy of Report for 95-96.
There have been several changes in the premises during the past year, all of which have tended very materially to improve the conditions under which the school is carried on. The infants’ room has been enlarged, the main room is now much better lighted and ventilated, a third cloakroom has been built; the approaches to the school have been flagged, the playgrounds improved, and the offices re-arranged. The year has been much broken during the progress of these alterations, but, considering all drawbacks the general efficiency of the school is in many respects very creditable. The oral work, however is at present more satisfactory than the written, Writing, Spelling and Arithmetic coming out poorly in the third standard and upwards. The work in the infants classes is decidedly poor. The Directress reports the Needlework of the older girls to be good but that of the infants to be only fair.
I am directed to call the Board’s attention to the last paragraph of Article 85(b) of the Code, but which it is made a condition of the payment of the Annual Grants that Object Lessons shall form part of the ordinary instruction given in the first, second and third standard.
E Price is continued under Art 68 with hesitation.
J Helliwell Cert Master
[Signed] T Llanwarne, correspondent

1897  Vol 2 p105 [August 1897]
Copy of Report 1897
The school has suffered from sickness. And the revision of the year’s work has consequently been incomplete. Under the circumstances the rates of payment allowed after last inspection are again recommended, and it is hoped that lost ground will be recovered in the coming year. The subjects needing attention are the Arithmetic of the Second, Third & Fourth standards, the Spelling of the fourth St and the Geography of the third standard. Object teaching should improve, and notes should be kept of the lessons. The children are in very good order, and the infants class has made progress in elementary subject. The upper standard answer satisfactorily in Grammar but their written work is not as good. The Directress reports well of the Needlework both of the infants and of the older girls.
The Registers much be tested on behalf of the Board at least once a quarter, at irregular intervals, as required by paragraph 6 of Appendix of Instruction to Inspectors.  Attention is directed to 85(d) of the Code.
E Price is continued under Article 68.
J Helliwell Cert Master
E Price Art 68
[signed] T Llanwarne, correspondent

1898  Vol 2 p121 [July 1898]
Copy of Report 1898
The attendance is irregular and the school has suffered during part of the year from an epidemic of sickness. Due allowance is made for drawbacks but it is hoped that the standard of attainment will rise to a higher level during the coming year. Papers are neatly worked but those in the third standard are exceptionally inaccurate both in Spelling and Arithmetic. The upper standards answer creditably in class subjects. Under the circumstances the grant under Article 105 of the Code is recommended but any falling off in efficiency will work a forfeiture of it another year. The Directress of Needlework reports that careful training has evidently been bestowed on the subject but she adds that the actual specimens do not in the majority of cases rise above fair.
E Price is continued under Article 68 of the Code
J Helliwell Cert Master
E Price Art 68.
[Signed] T Llanwarne

1899  Vol 2 p136 [August 1899]
Copy of Report for 1899.
Singing by note & drill are good, and there has been distinct improvement in elementary work since last inspection, although there is still need for further progress in Spelling. The higher grant is recommended for Geography and Grammar is satisfactorily taught in the upper standards but no corresponding subject has been attempted in the lower classes. The Drawing Inspector speaks favourably of the work of the first, second and fourth standards but he finds much weakness in the third and fifth standards. The Directress of Needlework reports that the specimens sent to her for inspection are good in the Infants’ Class; fair in the classes above the infants.
I am to enquire what steps are taken to insure the safety of the children when playing about the sawpit adjoining the school which HM Inspector reports as dangerous.
E Price is continued under Art 68 of the Code
[Signed] T Llanwarne, correspondent

1900  Vol 2 p151 [August 1900}
Summary of HM Inspector’s Report
The present Master took charge of the school shortly before the second visit of Inspection. Fairly satisfactory progress appears to have been made through the year. But the school has suffered during the past three months from several causes, as well as from the irregularity of attendance.
The Registers must be tested on behalf of the School Board at least once a quarter at irregular intervals, as required by paragraph 6 of Appendix II of Instructions to Inspectors. Attention is directed to Article 85(d) of the Code.
HM Inspector has had some hesitation in recommending the Grant under Article 105. Any falling off in the instruction will entail the withdrawal of the grant.
E Price is continued under Article 68.
George Harris, Principal teacher Cert
E Price Art 68
EC Harris Sewing mistress
Bertha Harris Monitress
[not signed]

1901  Vol 2 p166 [July 1901]
Verbatim copy of HM Inspector’s Report for the year ending May 31st 1901.
The teaching is kindly and careful. Composition both oral and written needs attention. Greater firmness in discipline, and more exactness in arranging the work should readily effect improvement.
E Price is continued under Art 68 of the Code
[not signed]

1902  Vol2  p179 [July 1902]
Summary of HM Inspector’s Report for the year ending May 31st 1902.
Mixed school. The points noted on last year’s report seem to have received due attention. Discipline might with advantage be more firmly maintained. Schemes of work and organisation should be submitted at an early date, and, if approved should be consistently adhered to.
Infant class. The Infants are kindly treated and make satisfactory progress in all subjects, except reading.
No Grant is payable under Article 195 of the Code, since HM Inspector is unable to report that the staff is efficient within the meaning of that Article.
George Harris Principal Teacher
Emma Price Art 68 Infants
Teresa Harris Monitress
Emily Harris Sewing Mistress

1903  Vol 2 p204 [May 1904: see note below report]
Verbatim Report for year ending May 31st 1903
Mixed School. Neither on instruction, nor in discipline can the school be called efficient.
Infant Class. More than half the children attending this school were found in the Infant room, and Miss Price works well with them, although the Reading of the first class, as noted in last year’s report, is still below the average, and may reasonably be expected to improve. The attendance should certainly be better here, even when full allowance is made for the character of the neighbourhood.
No Grant has been made under Article 105 of the Provisional Code, as HM Inspector finds himself unable to make the necessary recommendation.
The Inspector reports the Mixed School to be inefficient. Formal warning under Article 86 is therefore given that the next Annual Grant may be withheld if it is again reported to be inefficient next year.
The Board of Education should be informed what steps the Local Authority propose to take to restore the school to efficiency.
HM Inspector reports that Physical Training is not taught in accordance with an approved scheme. If the training be not based on the Model Course, I am to request that an alternative scheme, set out with sufficient detail to make it intelligible, may without delay be submitted to the Inspector for his approval.
George Harris Principal Teacher
Emma Price Article 68 Infants’ class
Teresa Harris Monitress
Emily Harris Sewing Mistress.
[Note below report:] The above report should have been inserted last July. But the report was kept at Hereford and hence the delay. GH May 28 1904.

1904  Vol 2 p210 [September 1904]
Report for year ending May 31 1904
Mixed School. Teaching is earnest but with little method. Still improvement is shown though but little of the work can be called better than fair.
Lavatory and Cloakrooms’ accommodation needs attention.
The Infant class is taught successfully.
The Mixed school is still verging on inefficiency, and great efforts will be needed to avert another formal warning under Article 86 of the Code 1903.
Present staff
Principal teacher George Harris
Assistant Miss Emma Price Art 68
Miss Mabel Prothero Monitress
Mrs E Harris Sewing Mistress
[not signed]

1905 Vol 2 p248 [October 1905]
Following is a verbatim copy of HM Inspector’s Report
Mixed. Mr May is working with much earnestness and intelligence and the attendance of the scholars, the discipline and the general character of the work have all greatly improved during the past year. The arrangement for warming the principal room is not sufficiently effective.
Infants. The children in this class continue to be taught with much care and with satisfactory results.
[Not signed]

1906 Vol 2 p270 [May 1904]
[No report:]

Visit of inspection [signed] HR Mines...HR Mines Esq the Head Inspector for this district, paid us a visit this morning. Mr Mines arrived at 9.20 and left at 12.30 The Rev D H Dafis, and Doctor Townley (Managers) looked in during the morning.

1907  Vol 3 p9 [October 1907]
The following is a verbatim copy of HM Inspector’s report on this School after his visit of Sept 16th ’89.
Mixed (with Infants). This is a good rural school. Mr May and those who assist him are working very earnestly and very carefully and the general progress ot the scholars is decidedly creditable. The written exercises are very neatly done.
There is no suitable urinal for the boys in the infants’ division.
[Signed] Frederic Price, Correspondent

1908  Vol 3 p40 [May 1908]
[No report]

HR Mines, esq, HMI visited the School today.

1909  Vol 3 p67 [September 1907}
Following is a verbatim copy of a report made by HR Mines Esq HMI after visit of 9th July 1909.
Mixed with Infants: The discipline and the general tone of the School are highly satisfactory, and the teaching is careful, methodical and intelligent. The children show keen interest in their work in which they are making very good general progress.
There appears to be no apparatus for controlling the round ventilators in the ceilings, and two of these ventilators are in consequence always closed. The walls of the schoolrooms need colourwashing. The boys urinal appears to be very imperfectly drained.
[Signed} Frederic Price, Correspondent

1910  Vol 3 p97 [December 1910]
[No report]

HH Quilter HMI visited the school this afternoon.


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